Semitrailer Menci new for iron scrap, steel chassis, axles BPW offset 120, first axle liftable and third steering, EBS 2s/2c braking system with "anti-overturn" rsp, pressure gauge, toolbox in steel, steel body for iron scrap, mc. 60, rear head 5 mm., sidewalls 4 mm., rear arrangement for coils transport, electrical tarpaulin Cramaro with remote control, ADR kit, private negotiation.
Semirimorchio nuovo pronta consegna modello SA700R, telaio in acciaio, gomma singola, tre assi SAF, primo sollevabile e sterzante, cassa tonda in acciaio senza codino mc. 27 ca., spessori 5/4, versione coibentata, copri scopri elettrico. CODICE 5009102 foto indicative TRATTATIVA RISERVATA
Semirimorchio nuovo pronta consegna modello SA700R, telaio in acciaio, gomma singola, tre assi SAF, primo sollevabile e sterzante, cassa tonda in acciaio senza codino mc. 27 ca., spessori 5/4, copri scopri elettrico. CODICE 5009259 foto indicative TRATTATIVA RISERVATA
Semitrailer Menci new SA700R, steel chassis, axles BPW et120 with disk brakes, first axle liftable and steering, nr. 6 tyres Michelin with nr. 6 steel rims, box inox, round body in steel, mc. 25, thickness all 4 mm.,
Semitrailer Menci new, steel chassis, pneumatic suspension, axles BPW ET 120 with 1st axle liftable and 3rd axle steering, disk brakes, box inox, nr. 6 tyres Michelin with nr. 6 alloy rims Speedline, square body in alloy, mc. 52, door back, tarpaulin a choice, NEW, designate negotiation.
Semitrailer Menci new, alloy chassis, pneumatic suspension, axles BPW ET 120 with 1st axle liftable and 3rd axle steering, disk brakes, box inox, nr. 6 tyres Michelin with nr. 6 alloy rims Speedline, square body in alloy, mc. 60, door back, tarpaulin a choice, NEW, designate negotiation.